Technology Information for Graduating Seniors

  • Technology Checklist This page contains important information for seniors who are graduating from Warren Township High School.  The information and links below provide directions on how to migrate files from WTHS Google account to personal Google accounts, as well as information about account changes in Canvas, Naviance, and WTHS email.  All WTHS student accounts and files will be permanently deleted at the end of June of your graduating year. It is recommended that you complete the items on the Senior Technology Checklist prior to that date.

Senior Chromebook Checkout

  • At the end of your Senior year, you become the owner of your Chromebook.  You are still responsible for any outstanding repair or replacement fees that have been assessed to your account during the school year.

    In order to give all graduates the opportunity to transfer files, etc., all Chromebooks will remain in our system until the end of June. Once your device is removed from our management system, it is your responsibility to follow these instructions to clear all remaining filters.  If you are unable to remove the filters, please contact Mrs. Ayabarreno at  

Transfer Your Google Files

  • google big

    Senior Google Drive accounts will be deactivated at the end of June of your graduating year.  To make sure that you continue to have access to your files, you can transfer them to a personal Google account using a tool from Google called Google Takeout. For complete instructions on this process click here.

         google on bike      google balloons                 google balloons

Download Assignments from Canvas

  • Canvas Logo All seniors must download their work from Canvas if they wish to keep assignments after they graduate.  As a reminder, all WTHS accounts will be deleted at the end of June of your graduating year.

    Click here for instructions


Grad Owl
Dell CB

Warren Email

  • Your Warren email address will be deactivated at the end of June of your graduating year.  Make sure to provide your personal email to anyone who may still need to contact you after graduation.

Email Icon

  • OneDrive Logo   If you have stored files in the Office 365 OneDrive, you must transfer them before your account is deactivated at the end of June of your graduating year.   Click here for instructions on transferring your files.

  • Warren

  • Contratulations Graduates!  The Education Technology Department wishes you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.  Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Ayabarreno at