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Community Agencies and Resources

Agencies and Resources to Support Community Involvement, Transition Planning, and Post-Secondary Experiences

Career One Stop: Your Source for Career Exploration, Training & Jobs: Career One Stop is part of the United States Department of Labor that can help you find the path to the career of your choice.  

Center for Independent Living: Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL) is a non-residential, cross-disability organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. It is LCCIL's mission to empower people with disabilities to lead self-directed lives as valued members of the community. Support is offered in the areas of independent living, advocacy, peer mentoring, and transition services. 

CHOICES Post Secondary Fair:  CHOICES is a postsecondary planning night for students with learning differences who are college bound. The event helps students to learn about post secondary options, understand the difference between high school and college, how to request accommodations in colleges, and explore different college options.   Each year, they publish a Post Secondary Planning Guide.  

Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU) provides services for people who have an intellectual disability and who reside on the north side of the city of Chicago, Lake County, the North Shore suburbs, and the Northwest suburbs. They also help to support economically challenged families to improve health and wellness during pregnancy and birth. CAU can help to support families with PUNS applications, Individual Service Coordination, Case Management, and Advocacy. 

Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS): As part of the Department of Human Services, the vocational services provided by DRS can help persons with disabilities find and retain employment.  

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services: The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is responsible for providing healthcare coverage for adults and children who qualify for Medicaid, and for providing Child Support Services to help ensure that Illinois children receive financial support from both parents.  

Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS): The Division provides a wide array of services, either directly or through approximately 350 community agencies, to children and adults with developmental disabilities. A variety of options and programs are to  assist in meeting personal goals, and allow individuals to live as independently as possible in the community of your choice.  

Job Center of Lake County: The Job Center provides information about job postings, local career/job fairs, and a calendar of other job related events around Lake County.  The Job Center serves all members of the public. They have resources for job seekers who may have a barrier to employment or a specialized situation including: veterans, youth, seniors, ex-offenders and individuals with disabilities.

Lake County: Behavioral Health Services: Lake County provides behavioral, mental health, and addiction services.  Staff provide treatment, training and support services to persons experiencing problems related to emotional and mental illness, or drug and alcohol addiction. Many services use various forms of evidenced-based treatment in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Individual and group therapy, case management, housing counseling, psychiatric medication, and emotional/cognitive skill building methods of treatment are used. 

Lake County and Beyond Transition Resources: The Lake County Transition Planning Council (LCTPC) is a collection of Transition Education professionals based in Lake County, Illinois and is dedicated to enhancing the readiness of individuals with disabilities and their families for independence in post-secondary life. The purpose of Council is to ensure that Lake County residents have access to the latest information, resources, and events.  

Leisure Enrichment for Adult Pursuits (LEAP): This adult program (21 and older) offers those with varying disabilities the opportunity to grow and learn. Structured programming facilitates communication, socialization, and independent living skills. Four elements will be followed: independent living skills, community integration, health and recreation. There is an intake process to become a part of this program.

Office of the Secretary of State: The Secretary of State offers information and access to services provided by the State of Illinois for people with disabilities.  

OPTIONS FairOptions is a local transition fair for high school students and their families. The purpose of the event is to connect students and their families with resources to support their future.   OPTIONS Resource Booklet 

PACE Transportation: Information on Paratransit, fixed bus routes, and Call-n-Ride services.  

Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS): PUNS is a database of Illinois children, adolescents, and adults with developmental disabilities who want or need developmental disability services. Understanding PUNs/Entender la PUNS /PUNS FAQ.  For additional information about the database and registration process, please contact the Director of Special Education. 

Secondary Transitional Experience Program (STEP):  As part of its continuum of coordinated transition services for youth with disabilities, DRS offers a wide range of services to students at local high schools through STEP. STEP is a work experience program that helps students with disabilities prepare to transition to employment and community participation during and after high school. Students work towards independence and self-sufficiency through engagement in a variety of STEP experiences. 

Social Security Administration: Information, forms, and other tools to prepare and apply for benefits. 

Warren Township Special Recreation Association (WSRA): A community based organization that promotes and provides social and meaningful recreation activities for individuals with disabilities. 

Workforce Development: Lake County Workforce Development offers a variety of job search services and training opportunities to help Lake County job seekers of all ages and at all levels of experience gain the necessary skills to be competitive in today’s job market.