If you are a current student (graduating 2025-2028) or a 2025 early graduate, please do NOT request your transcripts through Parchment. See the information below.
Official Transcripts Official transcripts for a college application can be requested using your School Links account. Official transcripts are signed and sealed in an envelope or sent through a secure electronic portal by the registrars or counselors. Only official transcripts can be used for college applications. Click here for a quick tutorial on how to request a transcript using School Links.
CLASS OF 2025 - please note - once you have committed to a college you will need to send a copy of your final transcript to that institution using your School Links account. Final transcripts will be mailed or sent through School Links as soon as grades are posted to your transcript. This will happen sometime during the first or second week of June. Please do not use Parchment to order your final transcripts.
DMV transcripts - You will need an official transcript to prove your residency at the DMV. Please contact your campus registrar by email to request an official transcript. (Almond campus aregistrar@wths.net or O'Plaine Campus oregistrar@wths.net) Official transcripts will be provided in a sealed envelope and will need to be picked up from the registrar's office by the parent or the student.
Unofficial Transcripts Unofficial transcripts are helpful for good student discounts with your car insurance or when you are applying to a Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) school for reference or when talking to a college admissions official about potential courses or past academic performance. Unofficial transcripts cannot be used to apply to a university. Unofficial transcripts can be emailed or given directly to you. Click here to request a copy of your unofficial transcript.
Seniors are able to download a copy of their unofficial transcript through their School Links account. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. If you are having trouble with this process, please contact your counselor or email Mrs. Salmi (jsalmi@wths.net) or Mrs. Matias (kmatias@wths.net) at the Almond Campus or Mrs. Thedorf (cthedorf@wths.net) at the O'Plaine campus.
Scholarships If you need an official transcript for a scholarship, please click here to access the request form.
College Application and Transcript FAQs
- What if I have more questions? Check out this FAQ to answer most of your college application questions. If you still have questions, contact your guidance counselor or Mrs. McGahan in Student Services.