New Club Information
Information Regarding Student-Led Clubs
Warren Township High School offers over 90 different clubs, teams and intramural opportunities for students. We believe that WTHS has something for everyone within our existing programs. WTHS is a large school with a very diverse student body with a wide range of interests. If you have an idea for a club that does not currently exist or is not closely related to an existing program, below are the procedures for proposing a new student-led organization. Students may initiate the formation of non curricular groups according to the parameters of the Equal Access Act. These groups may be related to religious, political, philosophical or other interests.
What is the process for starting a new club or student group?
1. Interested student leaders of these groups must secure an unpaid school-approved staff member to attend meetings as a monitor acting only in a custodial non-participatory role. It is the responsibility of the initiating student(s) to find a willing staff member to volunteer to be a supervisor.
2. Complete the application for status as a school club.
3. After the application is reviewed, the Activity Director will set up a meeting with the volunteer staff member followed by a meeting with the student(s) who initiated the request. Meetings are scheduled within 2 weeks of submitting an application. Completion of the application does not constitute approval. A new club can not meet or be advertised unless approved by the Activity Director.
What is the timeline for starting a new group?
Applications for Status as a School Student Organization are accepted from August 15 to October 15 for approval during the current school year. Applications received after October 15 will be reviewed for possible second semester approval.
Applications or requests to start a new club that are received after January 15 will not be considered for approval until the following school year.
If my new club is approved, what are the requirements?
Once approved, all student led or student initiated groups must adhere to the following:
All meetings must be scheduled online via a facility request by the volunteer sponsor at least 4 days prior to the meeting.
Any student announcements regarding a club meeting must be submitted by the staff volunteer. Any flyers that are created must be approved by the staff volunteer before posting around the school.
Meeting attendance is to be taken via 5-Star.
No district resources shall be used to support these groups beyond the incidental cost of providing a space for student-initiated meetings. These groups will not be provided any funding by the district beyond the incidental cost of providing a classroom for meeting space.
These groups may meet only during non-instructional time that is agreed upon by the student leaders and the volunteer sponsor (before school or after school).
These groups must be student initiated, student sponsored and student led.
These groups may not use the school name or mascot in connection with any fundraising activities, raise funds at school or be portrayed in school-sponsored publications.
If my club is approved for the current school year is it approved forever?
Applications must be resubmitted on an annual basis unless the same volunteer sponsor continues to sponsor the group from one year to the next. Prior approval does not guarantee approval for future school years.