Cultural Based
Warren offers a variety of cultural based activities. All groups are open to all students.
These are groups that run activities and events which contribute to or enhance the aesthetic, artistic, historical, intellectual or social development or appreciation of members of the school district and general public.
Program Name |
Description |
Contact Information |
Students meet once a month in the O’Plaine lecture hall from 3:20-4:00. We offer community service, fundraising, cultural experiences, and various other events that promote leadership and cultural awareness. |
Black Student Union |
Black Student Union is open to all students to provide culturally inclusive activities and experiences for everyone. BSU has bimonthly meetings, along with many cultural events throughout the year. |
Filipino American Student Association |
Trish McElvain |
French Club |
There are two ways to be involved in French Club: be an officer in French Club or a member at large. We invite you to choose the one that is of most interest to you and become a part of the WTHS French club! |
French National Honor Society |
French Honor Society is a high school organization that is based on interest, leadership and participation in French activities. Requirements: Sophomores or juniors meeting the grade requirement. Enrolled in a French class. Attend general FHS meetings. Participate in FHS events. Complete the National French Exam. |
International Club |
Open to any student. International Club generally meets every other Wednesday in the O’Plaine Cafeteria. We also sponsor the Super Show in second semester; an internationally themed variety show featuring live student performances. |
Muslim Student Assoication (MSA) |
MSA strives to increase awareness about Muslims and their beliefs. Our goal is to bring Muslims and non-Muslims together to learn about faith, have fun and serve the Warren community. Students of all backgrounds are welcome. Meetings will include games, community service planning, current events, guest speakers and more. Typically refreshments are served. Meetings begin at 3:15 and are in room 221 at O'Plaine. |
Spanish National Honor Society |
Spanish National Honor Society is a high school organization that is based on interest, leadership and participation in Spanish activities. Requirements for eligibility: Sophomores or juniors meeting the grade requirement. Complete community service hours. Enrolled in a Spanish class. Attend general SNHS meetings. Participate in SNHS events. |
Spanish Club |
There are two ways to be involved in Spanish Club: be an officer in Spanish Club or a member at large. We invite you to choose the one that is of most interest to you and become a part of the WTHS Spanish club! |
South Asian Student Association (SASA)
South Asian Student Association is an organization that brings awareness to the social and cultural aspects of the South Asian identity. |
United Club |
This club is a social club designated for students from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The purpose is to explore the Blue Devil community and build relationships. |