Sophomore, Junior, Senior Year
The course selection process for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in January of 2025.
January 2025
- Faculty will begin making recommendations in PowerSchool for students currently in their classes.
- Counselors will present students with information on how to make course requests during English classes.
- Information will be emailed to parents regarding course requests and accelerated placement.
February 2025
- Students will meet 1:1 with their school counselor to enter course requests for 2025-2026 during their history class.
- Accelerated placements will be finalized.
March – May 2025
- Counselors will finalize student course requests.
- Students may request to add or drop an academic course through the end of the school year according to course availability and with administrative approval.
- Course requests will be viewable through PowerSchool by clicking on “Class Registration” on the left hand side of the screen.
August 2025
● Schedules will be viewable for families who have completed registration.
Directions and Resources
What you need to know:
- The process of requesting courses for the 2025-2026 school year will start late January and/or early February.
- Students should complete the course request form prior to February, 2025.
Next steps:
- Explore the Course Opportunities List and Curriculum Guide.
- Review your accelerated placements, if applicable (see PowerSchool, “Class Registration”) - Not available until February of 2025
- Students should bring their completed course request form to their 1:1 counselor meeting which will begin the end of January, first week of February
Additional Resources:
- Curriculum Guide - see Page 9 for detailed information on graduation requirements
- Counselor Contact Information
Summer School:
- Summer School sign-up begins in January. Once students sign up for a summer school course their elective selections will be adjusted.
Department Information
Accelerated Placement
Accelerated Placement Definition:
- A student who meets or exceeds grade-level standards in English language arts shall be automatically enrolled into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework in English, social studies, and biology.
- A student who meets or exceeds grade-level standards in mathematics shall be automatically enrolled into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework in mathematics and chemistry.
- Click for more information about accelerated placement.
Accelerated Placement Process:
- Students will be placed into core courses based on their standardized test scores from last year.
- When selecting courses in PowerSchool, you will see these courses as the primary selection in two or more core areas (Math/English/Social Studies, Science).
- Parents/Students can change these placements as needed during the schedule process.
- This placement process is required of all schools per new Illinois statute this year.
Please contact your student's school counselor if you have any questions about the accelerated placement program at Warren Township High School.