• Incoming Freshmen:

    The course selection screens in PowerSchool for the 2024-25 school year will be open from December 5 to December 12, 2023.
    Two evening events will be held each fall to assist parents and students who are entering 9th grade in gathering information for the course selection process.

    If you have not received the information sent via email by Nov 15 of each year regarding these nights, please call us at 847-662-1400.

    8th Grade Course Information Nights:  Agenda

         Tuesday, Nov 28, 2023 or Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 - O'Plaine Gym - 5:30 - 7:30

    December: Parents will be emailed PowerSchool login information prior to December 4. Parents will use PowerSchool to enter course requests from December 5 to 12. If assistance is needed, call our main line at 847-662-1400.

    • Information and directions on how to complete course requests in PowerSchool can be found by clicking on the Directions and Resources tab below. 
    • Informational videos for each department can be found below by clicking on the Department Information tab below. 


      • Timeline:

        November - December : Plan for your course selections by reviewing links and information on this page.

        November 28 or November 29 : Attend the 8th Grade Curriculum Nights at the O'Plaine campus gym to meet with staff to review courses offered for freshman year.  Review on this page the department information and videos for courses and as needed.

        December 5 - December 12: Enter your course selections into PowerSchool using the login information that will be emailed prior to December 4. Call us at 847-662-1400 if you need any assistance.

        December 18 - May: WTHS staff will create the school master schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. Contact us if you have any changes to your course selections.

        June - The online registration process for the next school year will begin.

        August - Schedules will be viewable in PowerSchool


      Directions and Resources

      • Important Documents:

        Students using school issued devices may not be able to access the documents below. Feeder school settings on those devices may not allow access to Google documents outside their organization. Use a non-school issued device.

        • Course Opportunity List for freshman year. See the list of all courses open to freshmen and begin organizing your course selections.
        • Course Selection Form for freshman year. Organize your course selections for all 8 periods with this form.
        • Placement Guidance for parents and students to choose course levels in English, Math, Social Studies, Science and World Language. 
        • 4-Year Course Plan for parents and students to plan out a possible 4 year sequence of courses.
        • Video with step-by-step instructions for entering course requests into PowerSchool. Login information will be contained in a separate email to parents/guardians prior to December 4.
        • Band Course Selection Video for parents of band students who are exempt from PE semester one. Contains info on how to sign up for courses with the PE exemption.

        Additional Resources:

        Summer School:  

        • Summer School sign-up does not begin until January. Once students sign up for a summer school course their elective selections will be adjusted.


      Department Information

      Accelerated Placement

      • Accelerated Placement Definition:

        • A student who meets or exceeds grade-level standards in English language arts shall be automatically enrolled into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework in English, social studies, and biology.
        • A student who meets or exceeds grade-level standards in mathematics shall be automatically enrolled into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework in mathematics and chemistry. 
        • Click for more information about accelerated placement.

        Accelerated Placement Process:

        • Students will be placed into core courses based on their standardized test scores from last year.
        • When selecting courses in PowerSchool, you will see these courses as the primary selection in two or more core areas. (Math/English/Social Studies, Science)
        • Parents/Students can change these placements as needed during the schedule process.
        • This placement process is required of all schools per new Illinois statute this year.

         Please contact your student's school counselor if you have any questions about the automatic placement program at Warren Township High School.